Nanaimo ReImagined
The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process has concluded and, out of that process, a new City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined has been created. The new plan was adopted by Council in 2022. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process!
Great cities aren’t created by accident. They are built by residents collectively creating a vision and road map for their City's future.
Over the past two years through the REIMAGINE NANAIMO journey, our community has shaped a vision and path forward for Nanaimo's next 25 years with a new City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined. Staff are now shifting their attention to City Plan’s implementation, which will be supported by two key documents: an Integrated Action Plan and a Monitoring Strategy. Scroll down to learn more.
Great cities aren’t created by accident. They are built by residents collectively creating a vision and road map for their City's future.
Over the past two years through the REIMAGINE NANAIMO journey, our community has shaped a vision and path forward for Nanaimo's next 25 years with a new City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined. Staff are now shifting their attention to City Plan’s implementation, which will be supported by two key documents: an Integrated Action Plan and a Monitoring Strategy. Scroll down to learn more.
The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process has concluded and, out of that process, a new City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined has been created. The new plan was adopted by Council in 2022. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process!
Monitoring Strategy
Share Monitoring Strategy on Facebook Share Monitoring Strategy on Twitter Share Monitoring Strategy on Linkedin Email Monitoring Strategy linkThe Monitoring Strategy will be a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined which will outline key indicators that provide meaningful, holistic insights on progress towards our goals. Key indicators are those that can be tracked regularly and consistently. While the City does, and will continue to monitor many supporting statistics through various processes, the focus of the Monitoring Strategy is to work together to regularly monitor a manageable selection of key indicators related to the Five City Goals.
Great change does not happen overnight; it is achieved step-by-step through the committed, ongoing efforts of many. As we move forward, we will want to keep tabs on how we are doing and see how collective efforts are moving us towards the Five City Goals. Monitoring and reviewing allow us to look back, take stock, and adjust our efforts as needed to keep us on the right path.
In the Monitoring Strategy, each of the Five City Goals will have priority targets and indicators:
Targets will define, in measurable terms, desired outcomes for City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined.
Indicators will tell us how we are doing.
Monitoring is anticipated under two-time frames:
Annual Monitoring will rely on data sources that are available annually to the City, such as development patterns, City investments, and City compiled data to provide a check-in on performance on key indicators. Findings could lead to prioritization of new or existing actions in the Integrated Action Plan or completion of other studies needed to accelerate progress. Annual monitoring may also identify minor City Plan Amendments for consideration.
Five Year Monitoring will provide a more comprehensive monitoring report, relying on a mix of annual data sources, census data, and data compiled by external organizations. The five year report will provide a more in-depth review of progress, analysis of trends influencing performance on key indicators, and potential recommendations for how City Plan policy and regulations may need to be adapted as part of a five year review and update.
The City will undertake a comprehensive Five Year City Plan Review and Update. The review will be an opportunity to consider the results of the Five Year Monitoring and determine if adjustments to policy and land use designations are required to accelerate progress towards goals. This will also include reviewing actions included in the Integrated Action Plan, to determine if new actions or adjustments to existing actions need to be made. It will also be an opportunity to consider community input and integrate potential changes based on shifts in the city, demographic trends, development activity, emerging technology and knowledge, and other aspects that influence how City Plan is implemented.
For up-to-date information, please visit the Monitoring Strategy Webpage.
Integrated Action Plan
Share Integrated Action Plan on Facebook Share Integrated Action Plan on Twitter Share Integrated Action Plan on Linkedin Email Integrated Action Plan linkTHE INTEGRATED ACTION PLAN
To support City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined, we need concrete actions that the City can put in motion to make progress towards the Five City Goals. This is our Integrated Action Plan.
The Integrated Action Plan is a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined and lists the “library of actions” the City of Nanaimo is already doing, and would like to do, over the immediate and long term to implement the policies in City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined. The actions are drawn from previously endorsed or adopted plans, in addition to new actions to support the implementation of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined.
The Integrated Action Plan serves as a guiding document for Council to consider resource allocation through annual budgeting in order to strategically support priority actions. It is intended to be regularly referenced and reviewed by all City departments to guide their work. Acting as a living document, the Integrated Action Plan will be updated on an ongoing basis, to incorporate new actions and adjust or remove actions that have been achieved, become outdated, or been superseded, accounting for new knowledge and directions from Council or planning processes. Overall, the Plan support’s the City’s commitment to integration and interdepartmental communication, with the goal of leveraging opportunity, investing efficiently and equitably, and maximizing community benefit through City actions.
Council’s Priority Actions, which form part of the Integrated Action Plan, reflect the top actions prioritized by Council that may be implemented over the next four years. It will be at Council’s discretion which actions to consider for inclusion into the City’s annual capital plans, budgets, and department plans. The Priority Actions can be found on page 16 to 33 of the Integrated Action Plan.
The Integrated Action Plan can be found here. For more information on the Integrated Action Plan, please visit the Integrated Action Plan Webpage.
City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined
Share City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined on Facebook Share City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined on Twitter Share City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined on Linkedin Email City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined linkOn Monday, July 4, 2022, Nanaimo City Council passed the third and final reading of the City Plan Bylaw 2022 No. 6600.Thank you to everyone in the community who helped us achieve this milestone! See below for links to the City Plan and background documents.
Download City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined:
City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined (full resolution)
slower download, high image qualityCity Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined (low resolution)
faster download, lower image qualityCity Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined | Area Plans (Appendices B - F)
City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined | Executive Summary
City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined | Backgrounder
For more information about City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined and additional background information, please visit the City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined Webpage.
Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary
Share Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary on Facebook Share Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary on Twitter Share Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary on Linkedin Email Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary linkThe Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary is now available! Thank you to everyone who took part and provided feedback. Over 1,250 participants shared their thoughts the draft City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined. The feedback gathered in Phase 3 will be considered during refinements to the draft City Plan.
The Phase 3 Engagement Summary is being presented to the Governance and Priority Committee on May 9th, 2022 at 1pm. A copy of the Staff Report can be viewed here. Staff will also be presenting three additional reports related to Reimagine Nanaimo on May 9th, 2022. They include:
Staff Report | Draft City Plan Amendments
Staff Report | Land Use Designation Review Summary
Staff Report | City Plan Development Permit Areas
Thank you again to everyone who has taken part in REIMAGINE NANAIMO! Your insights are helping guide our community into its future.
Council Proposed Changes to City Plan To Date
Share Council Proposed Changes to City Plan To Date on Facebook Share Council Proposed Changes to City Plan To Date on Twitter Share Council Proposed Changes to City Plan To Date on Linkedin Email Council Proposed Changes to City Plan To Date linkClick on the GPC meeting date to see Council's proposed changes to the draft City Plan. The recommended changes will be considered at the May 9th, GPC, alongside the Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary.
GPC, March 14, 2022 | A Green & Connected Nanaimo
GPC, March 28, 2022 | A Healthy, An Empowered and A Prosperous Nanaimo
GPC, April 11, 2022 | Land Use & Neighborhoods
Draft City Plan - February 2022
Share Draft City Plan - February 2022 on Facebook Share Draft City Plan - February 2022 on Twitter Share Draft City Plan - February 2022 on Linkedin Email Draft City Plan - February 2022 linkIn February - April, 2022 the third and final phase of community engagement was held to review the draft City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined (February 2022). If you'd like to review this earlier version which the survey was passed on, you can download the draft using the links below. This draft was reviewed, refined, and changed through the Phase 3 Engagement process. View above articles to see the refined May 2022 City Plan - Nanaimo ReImaigned document, which is being considered for public hearing on June 22, 2022.
- Draft City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined - February 2022 (full resolution)
- Draft City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined - February 2022 (low resolution for faster download)
- Draft City Plan - Schedule Maps - February 2022
Our Future Starts Here - REIMAGINE NANAIMO Phase 3 Video
This 4-minute video is a great way to quickly learn about highlights in City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined.
Key Directions in the draft City Plan
Because there's so much information in the draft City Plan, the REIMAGINE NANAIMO Story Map and Information Sheets summarized key directions. Similar information was presented in two different ways:
- Nanaimo Story Map - an interactive map and journey for people who love zooming around a webpage
- Information Sheets - for people who prefer to read a poster (slower download)
- High Resolution (slower download, higher image quality)
- Low Resolution (faster download, lower image quality)
Public Engagement is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback! The public engagement summary was presented to the Governance and Priorities Committee meeting on May 9th, 2022. View above articles to see the Phase 3 | Public Engagement Summary. You can also visit to view the meeting where the summary was presented.
Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary
Share Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary on Facebook Share Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary on Twitter Share Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary linkPhase 2 Public Engagement Summary and Appendices are now available. Thank you to everyone who took part and provided their feedback. We heard from over 2,300 participants on Nanaimo's Foundations (Goals, Targets & Indicators) and 3 Draft Scenarios. The feedback gathered in Phase 2 will be used in the preparation of a draft City Plan.
Update: The Phase 2 Engagement Summary is being presented to the Governance and Priority Committee on November 22, 2021. A copy of the Staff Report can be viewed here.
Thank you again to everyone who took part. We look forward to engaging with you in the Phase 3 - the final phase of REIMAGINE Nanaimo.
Share Phase 2 | FOUNDATIONS on Facebook Share Phase 2 | FOUNDATIONS on Twitter Share Phase 2 | FOUNDATIONS on Linkedin Email Phase 2 | FOUNDATIONS linkIn order to plan for how and where growth will happen over the next 25 years, it is important to set a strong foundation. Reimagine Nanaimo’s Foundations is based on a Draft Framework, Draft Strategic Goals and Draft Indicators and Targets. Watch the Foundations video to learn more.
Share Phase 2 | SCENARIOS on Facebook Share Phase 2 | SCENARIOS on Twitter Share Phase 2 | SCENARIOS on Linkedin Email Phase 2 | SCENARIOS linkThe choices we make – where we live and work, how we move, where we shop – all influence how Nanaimo will grow over time. Great cities aren’t created by accident. They are created through thoughtful plans and a desire by the many who live there to make great choices.
While much of our city will remain as the neighbourhoods and features we know and love, some areas will change in the next 25 years. By choosing where to focus new growth and planning what it could look like, we can help create a great city.
Three draft scenarios were provided for consideration. Below is a summary of each:
Scenario 1 | The current path follows the existing Official Community Plan, meaning we’ll continue planning the way we are today. While Current Path was progressive when created in 2008, new knowledge provides opportunity to make enhancements that could move us faster towards our goals. To learn more, watch Scenario 1 video.
Scenario 2 | Mobility Hubs focuses new growth around seven hubs distributed across the City, where transportation networks (roads, transit, cycling) come together. It encourages more housing forms like townhomes and fourplexes to fill the gap between single-family homes and apartments. In this scenario, more growth would occur in and between hubs. To learn more, watch Scenario 2 video.
Scenario 3 | Central Focus encourages most new growth and higher-density housing within a focused urban core bounded by Downtown, the Hospital, and Vancouver Island University. It would lead to a more urban, walkable, and vibrant central core with less growth and change (though still some) in areas beyond this core. To learn more, watch Scenario 3 video.
An detailed overview of all 3 Draft Land Use Scenarios can be found here.
View the Phase 1 Engagement Summary
Share View the Phase 1 Engagement Summary on Facebook Share View the Phase 1 Engagement Summary on Twitter Share View the Phase 1 Engagement Summary on Linkedin Email View the Phase 1 Engagement Summary linkWow, Nanaimo! You’ve shared some great insights for the first phase of REIMAGINE NANAIMO – what’s great about our City, what needs work and fantastic ideas for the future. Take a browse through the Phase 1 Engagement Summary and the appendices and see what our community has shared so far. These ideas are now being used in Phase 2 of the process to identify a range of potential scenarios and options for Nanaimo’s future. Later this spring, we’ll be asking for your review and thoughts on these emerging directions. Stay tuned!
Phase 1 - Gathering Ideas
Nanaimo ReImagined has finished this stageJuly – November 2020
The initial phase was focused on sharing information and listening to your ideas about Nanaimo's future.
Phase 2 - Exploring Options
Nanaimo ReImagined has finished this stageJanuary - October 2021
The second phase focused on developing, discussing, and evaluating potential options for how our community could achieve its shared vision.
Phase 3 - Draft Plan Review - Survey Open until April 8
Nanaimo ReImagined is currently at this stageNovember 2021 - Spring 2022
Develop, review, and refine the plans, policies, and actions that will guide Nanaimo's future.
Integrated Action Plan
Integrated Action Plan.pdf (101 MB) (pdf)
GPC | June 26, 2023 | Staff Report | Revised Integrated Action Plan (716 KB) (pdf)
GPC | June 26, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment A (52.7 KB) (pdf)
GPC | June 26, 2023 | Presentation Slides (484 KB) (pdf)
GPC | June 12, 2023 | Staff Report | Neighbourhood Association Engagement Summary & Priority Action Selection (124 KB) (pdf)
GPC | June 12, 2023 | Staff Repot | Attachment A (94.2 KB) (pdf)
GPC | June 12, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment B (10.6 KB) (pdf)
GPC | May 8, 2023 | Staff Report | A Prosperous Nanaimo & City Structure (1.23 MB) (pdf)
GPC | May 8, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment A (58.4 KB) (pdf)
GPC | May 8, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment B (412 KB) (pdf)
GPC | May 8, 2023 | Presentation Slides (408 KB) (pdf)
GPC | April 24, 2023 | Staff Report - An Empowered, A Green, and A Connected Nanaimo (959 KB) (pdf)
GPC | April 24, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment A (58.4 KB) (pdf)
GPC | April 24, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment B (412 KB) (pdf)
GPC | April 24, 2023 | Presentation Slides (536 KB) (pdf)
GPC | March 3, 2023 | Staff Report | Healthy & Empowered Nanaimo (797 KB) (pdf)
GPC | March 3, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment A - Draft Integrated Action Plan (58.4 KB) (pdf)
GPC | March 3, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment B - Draft Priority List (412 KB) (pdf)
GPC | March 3, 2023 | Presentation Slides (1.03 MB) (pdf)
GPC | January 23, 2023 | Staff Report | Integrated Action Plan Introduction (5.79 MB) (pdf)
GPC | January 23, 2023 | Staff Report | Attachment A - Sample (5.61 MB) (pdf)
GPC| January 23, 2023 | Presentation Slides (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3: City Plan
City Plan - Nanaimo Reimagined - Full Resolution (194 MB) (pdf)
City Plan - Nanaimo Reimagined - Low Resolution.pdf (76.6 MB) (pdf)
City Plan - Nanaimo Reimagined - Area Plans Only.pdf (73.6 MB) (pdf)
City Plan | Executive Summary - May 2022 (12.3 MB) (pdf)
City Plan | Backgrounder - May 2022 (795 KB) (pdf)
Phase 3 Engagement Summary.pdf (25.9 MB) (pdf)
Staff Report | May 9 GPC - Draft City Plan Amendments (3.31 MB) (pdf)
Staff Report | May 9 GPC - Land Use Designation Review Summary (451 KB) (pdf)
Staff Report | May 9 GPC - City Plan Development Permit Areas (3.74 MB) (pdf)
Staff Report | May 9 GPC - Phase 3 Public Engagement Summary (1.75 MB) (pdf)
Public Hearing
Phase 3: Developing Plans
City Plan - DRAFT - February 2022 (lower resolution) (27 MB) (pdf)
Colliers | MEMO - Review of OCP Land Use Designations.pdf (261 KB) (pdf)
Phase 3 - Information Sheets (high resolution) (45.1 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3 - Information Sheets (low resolution) (13 MB) (pdf)
City Plan GPC Motions - Mar 14,2022.pdf (858 KB) (pdf)
City Plan GPC Motions - Mar 28,2022.pdf (794 KB) (pdf)
City Plan GPC Motions - April 11,2022.pdf (161 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2: Engagement Summary
Phase 2: Exploring Options
Phase 2: Foundations
Key Topics Backgrounders
Phase 1 Engagement Summary
Existing City Plan Documents
Click here to play video REIMAGINE NANAIMO Phase 3 This future begins with a thank you - thanks Nanaimo, for your ideas and your feedback. The new draft City Plan considers all of the incredible input that we've seen and heard throughout our REIMAGINE NANAIMO engagement process. This is your collected vision; an incredible plan that will guide our city's growth for decades into the future. Watch this video to see highlights, then view the whole plan and have one more say on Nanaimo's future!
Click here to play video REIMAGINE NANAIMO - Start Here Watch this short video featuring Gracie Hill to learn about REIMAGINE NANAIMO and choose an adventure for learning all about the process and why you need to be involved!
Click here to play video REIMAGINE NANAIMO - All about it! This 12-minute video featuring Mayor and Council provides a comprehensive overview of REIMAGINE NANANIMO and all the topics that are going to be explored in the coming months. Watch it now to learn everything you need to know to get started.
City of Nanaimo Project Page
For more information and background on this project, please visit the REIMAGINE NANAIMO Project Page on the City's website.
Who's Listening
Overall lead for the team of city staff collaborating to carry out of the REIMAGINE NANAIMO process
Phone 250-755-4464 Email
Key Dates
December 2020 → February 2021
November 30 2020
November 02 → November 30 2020
August 10 → November 30 2020
September 06 → September 12 2020