Integrated Action Plan
To support City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined, we need concrete actions that the City can put in motion to make progress towards the Five City Goals. This is our Integrated Action Plan.
The Integrated Action Plan is a supporting document to City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined and lists the “library of actions” the City of Nanaimo is already doing, and would like to do, over the immediate and long term to implement the policies in City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined. The actions are drawn from previously endorsed or adopted plans, in addition to new actions to support the implementation of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined.
The Integrated Action Plan serves as a guiding document for Council to consider resource allocation through annual budgeting in order to strategically support priority actions. It is intended to be regularly referenced and reviewed by all City departments to guide their work. Acting as a living document, the Integrated Action Plan will be updated on an ongoing basis, to incorporate new actions and adjust or remove actions that have been achieved, become outdated, or been superseded, accounting for new knowledge and directions from Council or planning processes. Overall, the Plan support’s the City’s commitment to integration and interdepartmental communication, with the goal of leveraging opportunity, investing efficiently and equitably, and maximizing community benefit through City actions.
Council’s Priority Actions, which form part of the Integrated Action Plan, reflect the top actions prioritized by Council that may be implemented over the next four years. It will be at Council’s discretion which actions to consider for inclusion into the City’s annual capital plans, budgets, and department plans. The Priority Actions can be found on page 16 to 33 of the Integrated Action Plan.
The Integrated Action Plan can be found here. For more information on the Integrated Action Plan, please visit the Integrated Action Plan Webpage.
The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process has concluded and, out of that process, a new City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined has been created. The new plan was adopted by Council in 2022. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process!