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Creative Community Contest - Draft

This contest is now closed.

Thank you to all who participated!

For a look at submissions, please scroll down.

Express your ideas for Nanaimo's future through photo, drawing, painting, collage, poetry & more! How do you REIMAGINE Nanaimo?

The REIMAGINE NANAIMO Creative Community Contest encourages creative exploration, idea generation, and fun. Submissions from people of all ages and abilities are welcome and you can choose any media you love! Head outside with your camera or sketchbook, or sit around the table with members of your household to talk about the future, play and create, and send us the result!

What you need to know for the contest:

  • You can respond to any or all of the "6 challenge themes" (see these below)
  • Submissions will be accepted up to Monday, November 30, 2020
  • To enter, please review the full terms and conditions.
  • By submitting an entry you are agreeing to the terms and conditions.
  • All ages and abilities are invited to submit; however, please note that submissions by children 12 years or younger must be by a consenting adult on behalf of the minor.
  • All works submitted must be the creator's original work.
  • Submissions will be posted publicly here on
  • All eligible submissions can enter the Contest Prize Draw for a chance to win a $500 gift card to a choice of ONE local Nanaimo: electronics store OR bike shop OR grocery store. The draw is scheduled for early December.

The 6 Challenge Themes:

  • Theme 1: Our Environment & Climate Change
    • Show us your idea for making Nanaimo greener or reducing the impacts of climate change!
  • Theme 2: Our Parks, Recreation, & Culture
    • Show us your great ideas for parks, recreation, and culture in Nanaimo!
  • Theme 3: Our Social Equity, Inclusiveness, & Accessibility
    • What is the heart of Nanaimo? Is it a place? Is it an experience?
  • Theme 4: Our Economy & Employment
    • Show us what a thriving economy looks like for Nanaimo's future! What jobs are there? What types of businesses? Where do you work?
  • Theme 5: Our Sustainable & Active Transportation
    • Show us how you imagine getting around Nanaimo in the future!
  • Theme 6: Our Neighbourhoods & Housing
    • Show us your future dream neighbourhood in Nanaimo! What defines its character? What kinds of housing are there?

How to Submit Your Entry:

OPTION 1: Upload below (on the REIMAGINE NANAIMO site):

  • Click in the field below (where it says "Start your story by providing a title...")
  • Provide a title for your work
  • Then provide a brief written description (100 words max) in the larger field that says 'Type something'
  • Upload your creative work. The max file upload size for this platform is 50 MB (larger files will take longer to upload)
  • To submit an image, click the () icon from the toolbar in the window below and select  an image file to upload from your device.
  • For video submissions, click on the video () icon in the window below, and provide a URL link or embedded code for your video file. Please note, your video file cannot be uploaded directly here, it must be hosted elsewhere (e.g. YouTube or another platform). For a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an account and video upload to YouTube to obtain a link this way, please see this article.
  • After your upload is complete, you'll receive an email confirmation with instructions for the draw entry

OPTION 2: Email to

  • Send an email to with your submission including: 1. Title, 2. Brief Description (100 words or less), and 3. File attachment of your creative work
  • Please note: File attachments cannot be a .zip file, and max file size is 10 MB.
  • You will receive an email response within 2-5 business days to confirm your submission and provide the instructions for the contest prize draw entry
  • Trouble shooting: If you get a bounce back email, first check that your email file size does not exceed 10 MB, and that the file type is not a folder or a .zip file. If you are still not able to submit successfully, submit a plain text email (no attachments or files of any kind) to the address above requesting further assistance, or call 250-755-4464.

Creative Inspiration:

Looking Forward (by Sebastian Abboud)Sebastian Abboud is a designer and illustrator based in Nanaimo. In addition to projects with clients and collaborators from around the globe, Sebastian teaches at Vancouver Island University, inspiring next generations of designers. As a new dad to twin boys, and as someone who is actively involved in the community, we know Sebastian is invested in the future of Nanaimo.

Thank you for your Creative Community Contest entry. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share A Safer Nanaimo on Facebook Share A Safer Nanaimo on Twitter Share A Safer Nanaimo on Linkedin Email A Safer Nanaimo link

    A Safer Nanaimo

    by PhoenixGraf, about 4 years ago

    This link includes my slides presentation for a safer Nanaimo with clean injection sites for people who are suffering from drug abuse.

  • Share Deforestation in Nanaimo on Facebook Share Deforestation in Nanaimo on Twitter Share Deforestation in Nanaimo on Linkedin Email Deforestation in Nanaimo link

    Deforestation in Nanaimo

    by kylejee, about 4 years ago
  • Share Nanaimo Skyrise Hotel complex on Facebook Share Nanaimo Skyrise Hotel complex on Twitter Share Nanaimo Skyrise Hotel complex on Linkedin Email Nanaimo Skyrise Hotel complex link

    Nanaimo Skyrise Hotel complex

    by EthanPerpeluk, about 4 years ago
  • Share NewCastle Bridge on Facebook Share NewCastle Bridge on Twitter Share NewCastle Bridge on Linkedin Email NewCastle Bridge link

    NewCastle Bridge

    by Isaac Schwab, about 4 years ago

    this link completely explains why my project is different to other projects

    Filmed,Edited and produced by Isaac Schwab


  • Share The Nanaimo Song on Facebook Share The Nanaimo Song on Twitter Share The Nanaimo Song on Linkedin Email The Nanaimo Song link

    The Nanaimo Song

    about 4 years ago

    The Nanaimo Song written by James McRae, lyrics by Dave Clark.

    Singers: Marisha Devoin and Joelle Rabu

    Piano: Nico Rhodes

    Song available at this link:

  • Share Bike Lanes in Nanaimo on Facebook Share Bike Lanes in Nanaimo on Twitter Share Bike Lanes in Nanaimo on Linkedin Email Bike Lanes in Nanaimo link

    Bike Lanes in Nanaimo

    by lucylinnea, about 4 years ago

    A music video by L&L about bike lanes around Nanaimo.

  • Share The Neon Butterflies on Facebook Share The Neon Butterflies on Twitter Share The Neon Butterflies on Linkedin Email The Neon Butterflies link

    The Neon Butterflies

    by SonyaASierksArts, about 4 years ago

    'The Neon Butterflies'

    Representing social connectedness, how we relay information about the new and traditional ways we reduce waste, create with purpose. Our skyline they flit about wouldn’t be the same without our old growth and native forests. To speak with knowledge of their presence, how important they are to our ecosystem, and all the creatures who live in them. Paths intersect or are parallel between us. We are mindful of the ocean as it checks and balances restoring wildlife to equilibrium. Colours and strokes reminiscent of the vibrant gardens of growth we contain within us, our homes and parks.

    ... Continue reading

  • Share Growing Old Together on Facebook Share Growing Old Together on Twitter Share Growing Old Together on Linkedin Email Growing Old Together link

    Growing Old Together

    by Judeville, about 4 years ago

    This is a submission for Our Neighbourhoods and Housing. It is my dream for aging, not a retirement home, more of a shared living development, with many levels of sharing or not. I think the fear of growing old alone is terrifying for many especially considering the current COVID environment and concerns in Care Homes today. Our families are far and wide and many seniors are alone and struggling. Europe has much more progressive ideas to take care of seniors and this is something I'd like to see Nanaimo take on. There's so much to be offered individually and an... Continue reading

  • Share Tech Hub on Facebook Share Tech Hub on Twitter Share Tech Hub on Linkedin Email Tech Hub link

    Tech Hub

    by Athira , about 4 years ago

    A TECH HUB for business, and studying at an affordable price. The goal of this hub is to provide high-speed internet, and space to build cloud or non-cloud based start-up businesses or developments. To support students who can’t afford modern technologies and those who are passionate about entrepreneurship. Attracting entrepreneurs to visit and explore Nanaimo, at the same time connect with their business, and also to use the space for business meetings. If the transit is connected with the hub it will attract more people and reduce the traffic. Building the future with vision and support.

  • Share Traffic caused because of Costco on Facebook Share Traffic caused because of Costco on Twitter Share Traffic caused because of Costco on Linkedin Email Traffic caused because of Costco link

    Traffic caused because of Costco

    over 4 years ago

    My idea is about the block that Costco's customers create when they turn right out of Applecross and into Hammond Bay Road.

    Bincy John

    (submitted via email)