Increasing Housing Options
The ‘Increasing Housing Options’ project is now complete.
Thank-you to all who participated!
- The initiative to expand secondary suites and add infill housing in existing neighbourhoods was incorporated into the City of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw on June 17, 2024. More information is available here.
- It was not necessary to proceed with the initiative to create more adaptable housing units because the Province announced that the BC Building Code will be changing in March 2025 to require 100 per cent adaptable dwellings in large condominium and apartment buildings, and the first floor dwelling units in new small apartments and condominiums to be adaptable. More information is available here.
- The City will consider expanding family-friendly housing options in the next project to complete a new Zoning Bylaw for the City of Nanaimo in 2025-2026.
The Increasing Housing Options project was impacted by new Provincial Housing Legislation announced in November 2023. More information about the Provincial Housing Legislation and how it impacts Nanaimo, is available here.
The Increasing Housing Options project had four initiatives:
Public consultation on this project is now closed. Thank you to all those who participated. The results from the Increasing Housing Options Engagement Summary are now published.
Lots Under Consideration for Prezoning to R5 Zoning
The existing R5 – Three and Four Unit Residential Zone allows three or four units on a single lot. There are, however, few properties within the city that are zoned R5. To increase the supply of triplexes and fourplexes, a much needed housing form, the city is proposing to prezone key sites across the city. Prezoning means that three or four units could be constructed on a lot without going through a rezoning process. The City is proposing to prezone existing single family (R1/R1b) and duplex (R4) lots within a 1km buffer from the downtown, and within the ‘Neighbourhood’ designated areas in City Plan as shown on the map. This move is intended to encourage infill development in key areas as envisioned in City Plan, without compromising the character of existing neighbourhoods. Use this map to see those lots under consideration for rezoning to the R5 (Three and Four unit Residential) zone.